New Development
Building in a CoServ community? The following items are necessary to produce an initial design and cost estimation for the final design layout, proposal, Electric Service Agreement (ESA) and Natural Gas Service Agreement (NGSA).
Your CoServ Project Manager will help coordinate the location of easements required for your development.
Please note that all information is required before your project can be designed, estimated, contracted and released to our Construction Management group for scheduling.
All sites and projects are unique, therefore we may require additional information beyond what’s listed below before offering cost estimates.
Commercial Development
- One .dwg file (2007 or earlier) with no less than 3 GPS boundary points located on the NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_North_Central_FIPS_4202_Feet that contains all wet utilities, retaining walls, paving (including sidewalks), parking, building footprints and parking lot lighting. This file shall not contain X-Ref’s or blocks that cannot be exploded or modified. The customer is responsible for all secondary conduit and conductor for commercial projects. Request maximum number of conduit and conductor specifications from your CoServ Project Manager.
- Completed Load Requirement Form for each building that will be constructed as well as all E-Sheets from your plan set. CoServ will also require a Load Requirement Form for any other meters within the site such as irrigation, lighting or communications. If your project will use gas, CoServ will require your loads such as CFH and pressure.
- Geotechnical report for the site.
- Current easement plat.
- Owner’s signature block with the legal description of the site in word format.
- Profiles of all wet utilities, top and bottom of wall elevations if retaining walls are present, footing plans for all retaining and screening walls. All shall be in PDF format.
- One .dwg file (2007 or earlier) with no less than 3 GPS boundary points located on the NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_North_Central_FIPS_4202_Feet that contains all wet utilities, retaining walls, paving (including sidewalks), parking, building foot prints, covered parking, all meter locations and building types (if different). This file shall not contain X-Ref’s or blocks that cannot be exploded or modified. The customer is responsible for all secondary conduit and conductor for multi-family/apartment projects. Request maximum number of conduit and conductor spec from your CoServ Project Manager.
- Number of meter bases to be used on each building location, square footage of all unit types and all E-Sheets from your plan set. These meter locations shall describe the type of unit for which it will serve. CoServ will also require a Load Requirement Form for any other meters within the site such as irrigation, clubhouse, leasing office, lighting, compactors or communications. If your project will use gas, CoServ will require your loads, such as CFH and pressure.
- Profiles of all wet utilities, top and bottom of wall elevations if retaining walls are present as well as footing plans for all retaining and screening walls. All shall be in PDF format.
- Geotechnical report for the site.
- Current easement plat.
- Owner’s signature block with the legal description of the site in word format.
Residential Development
- One .dwg file (2007 or earlier) with no less than 3 GPS boundary points located on the NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_North_Central_FIPS_4202_Feet that contains all wet utilities, retaining walls, paving (including sidewalks), light locations if required, driveways if townhomes, building footprints if townhomes. This file shall not contain X-Ref’s or blocks that cannot be exploded or modified.
- Average square footage of homes that will be constructed and if gas will be used. If sizes differ from each block, a detail of the square footages for each shall be provided. CoServ will also require a Load Requirement Form for any other meters within the site such as irrigation, amenity center, lighting, compactors or communications.
- Geotechnical report for the site.
- Current easement plat.
- Owner’s signature block with the legal description of the site in word format.
- Profiles of all wet utilities, top and bottom of wall elevations if retaining walls are present as well as footing plans for all retaining and screening walls. All shall be in PDF format.
Feasibility Study
Only .dwg files of the site will be accepted; PDF files are not allowed, except where specified. Any additional information from the previous categories will help CoServ provide you with a closer cost estimate. Any project that does not include all required information will be considered as a Feasibility Study only and will not be processed further.