Routine Maintenance and Inspection
Working in your Community
CoServ Electric has more than 12,900 miles of electric infrastructure above ground and underground with a reliability rating of 99.99%. To continue providing great service to our Members while adding more than 1,000 meters a month to our system, it’s essential that we perform routine maintenance, inspections, capacity upgrades and tree trimming.
Whether it’s CoServ crews or a contractor, reliability and public safety are our highest priority. Don’t be surprised if you see us working in your neighborhood – we’re there to ensure reliable, affordable energy solutions for our Members.
In most instances, CoServ will send out a postcard mailer to your home in advance to let you know that we’ll be in your area. If the work will affect your property or electric service, crews will also notify you with a door hanger.
See examples below of routine maintenance and inspections that CoServ performs.

Routine Maintenance
From time to time, CoServ crews or contractors will perform routine maintenance and inspection of poles and transformers in your community. The crews will notify you by door hanger if they need access to your property or if there are any obstructions to the transformer.
Please note that removal of vegetation may be required to safely access certain equipment. Pad-mounted transformers should be clear of landscaping within 10 feet of the front, and one to three feet of the sides and back.
We will work to minimize any inconvenience to you, and we appreciate your patience.

Reliability Improvements
We take our responsibility to keep the lights on seriously. That’s why our reliability ratings are among the highest in the state.
You may see CoServ crews or our contractors in your community replacing or upgrading power lines or equipment. In most cases, this work can be done without interrupting service to Members because there are redundancies in our system that allow us to backfeed, or reroute power.
In cases where we can’t backfeed, CoServ or a contractor will schedule a planned outage, a brief interruption of service to perform necessary repairs, upgrades or other maintenance. Members will be notified of a planned outage in advance with a door hanger.
Power outages not connected to these planned interruptions may occur during this time. However, if you experience power fluctuations outside this period, there could be a power quality issue. Learn more about Power Fluctuations and what they mean by clicking here or reach out to a Customer Care Specialist at contact@coserv.com.

Tree Trimming
Tree limbs are a common cause of power outages and can endanger the public when they grow too close to overhead lines.
State and federal law require utilities to trim tree limbs away from power lines. CoServ crews or contractors working on our behalf follow a comprehensive, reliability-centered management plan to enhance safety and maintain reliability.
Planting trees? Here are 20 North Texas trees suitable for planting near overhead electrical lines.