Meet Mr. Diggs
Mr. Diggs joined the CoServ team in 2013 as the mascot for CoServ Gas and the Dial 811 initiative for safe digging practices around gas lines.
The name "Mr. Diggs" is actually a bit of an inside joke at CoServ, dating back to an earlier incident where a CoServ gas technician was called to check on the gas lines around a Customer's home after a wild animal had been digging in the area. When the technician arrived to find the feisty, young armadillo, the Mr. Diggs character was born. The technician lectured the armadillo about the dangers of digging without calling 811 and Mr. Diggs' entire life trajectory changed. Later that year, when CoServ Gas was looking to hire a mascot, Mr. Diggs seemed like the logical choice.
As an armadillo, Mr. Diggs still loves to dig but he always calls 811 first to make sure all underground utilities are marked with flags beforehand. Click here to learn more about dig safety.
If you smell gas, leave the area immediately and, once you're a safe distance away, call 911 and CoServ Gas at 844-330-0763.
Over the years, his role has expanded time, joining CoServ at community engagement events, safety training presentations, and corporate sponsorship events like Texas Legends, FC Dallas, Frisco RoughRiders, and Texas Motor Speedway.
To learn more about Mr. Diggs, checkout the sitdown interview he did recently with the As A Meter of Fact podcast below.