Gas Rights and Responsibilities
CoServ Gas does not disconnect service when temperatures are near or below the freezing mark. Read more about our weather policy.
If you smell gas, leave the area immediately and, once you're a safe distance away, call 911 and CoServ Gas at 844-330-0763.
CoServ Convenience
Through a variety of innovations, it is convenient to interact with CoServ Gas. Our Customer Care hours are 8 a.m.–5 p.m. weekdays, our website offers online account access and paperless billing. Also, our toll-free emergency number, 844-330-0763, is answered 24/7.
Reporting Emergencies
What do I do if I smell gas?
Keeping your family safe and comfortable is our highest priority. If you smell gas, it is important to take the following steps as soon as possible: Extinguish all open flames in the area. Do not operate electrical switches, telephones or appliances. Do not operate vehicles in the area. Leave the house or building, walk to a safe location and call 911 and the CoServ Gas emergency number, 844-330-0763,. When the representative answers, relay the nature of the emergency, the emergency location, and your name, contact information and location.
Call Before You Dig
Before you embark on a home improvement or landscaping project involving digging, you must have the utility lines running through your property located and marked to ensure safety and prevent damage and disruption of services. If you plan to dig deeper than 16 inches, state law requires you to call 811 two working days before digging. Once 811 receives your request, they will notify the utility companies, including CoServ Gas, to locate and mark their utility lines, using paint and flags to show the approximate location of lines. 811 is a free service. Click here to learn more about safe digging.
Maintenance and Safety
Customer Yardlines
CoServ Gas maintains the gas line in your yard up to the point it reaches your meter. If your meter is mounted away from your house, the pipe between the meter and the house is Customer-owned and is your responsibility to maintain. If this pipe is not maintained, it may become subject to the potential hazards of corrosion and leakage. Customers are responsible for periodically inspecting pipes for corrosion and leakages and making repairs if unsafe conditions exist. Pipes can also be cut or damaged by excavation. When a Customer calls 811, a locator service will come out and mark utility-owned lines, but they do not mark Customer-owned lines beyond the meter. If you plan to dig around your gas line or ours, you should always dig by hand. It may be necessary to contact a plumber to locate or inspect your yardline and make repairs if needed.
Excess Flow Valves
Excess flow valves are safety devices that will shut off the gas flowing through your service line if the line is cut or damaged. As an added protective measure, CoServ Gas has installed an excess flow valve on the line that serves each residential Customer at no extra charge.
Privacy Statement
All information required by CoServ Gas to establish your account is kept completely confidential and is not given or sold for any reason except as required by regulatory authorities or by valid subpoena. CoServ Gas has the right to request personal information in order to verify the identity of the caller requesting account information.
Rates and Service Information
Our service rules and applicable tariffs are available at no charge upon request. Contact Customer Care at 940-321-7800 or contact@coserv.com to request a copy.
Critical Care
Contact Customer Care if a resident on your premises requires gas service to maintain life. Your account will be coded as “critical,” making our service technicians aware of the medical need in outage situations.
Documentation from a licensed physician will be required to support the medical need. Click here to learn more about critical care account status.
Your Gas Bill
Itemized bills are mailed approximately every 30 days. (Paperless bill notification is available.) Balances are payable when rendered and should be paid on or before the due date, which is a minimum of 16 days from mailing. The due date is clearly indicated on the bill. Any payment received after the due date is considered late and a paper disconnection notice will be issued. The unpaid balance is due within 10 days from the date the disconnection notice is issued.
Failure to receive a bill does not exempt a Customer from the responsibility to make payment. Please contact Customer Care if you fail to receive a statement within 30 days of initiating gas service, or if you ever have difficulty receiving statements.
Your Gas Meter
A gas meter measures and records the amount of gas used in Ccfs (a Ccf represents 100 cubic feet). Your meter is read on approximately the same date each month. The meter readings for the previous and present months appear on each bill to allow you to monitor your monthly gas usage.
Reading Your Gas Meter
For instructions on how to read your gas meter, contact us at 940-321-7800.
Request a Meter Test
If you have a question regarding meter accuracy, a meter test will be performed at your request. CoServ Gas will inform you of the time of the test so you or your representative may be present. The test is performed free of charge if a previous test has not occurred within the last four years for you at the same location. If a test has been performed within the last four years, a charge will be billed to you per the terms of our tariff.
If the meter test indicates that the meter is more than nominally defective, the fee will be refunded. “More than nominally defective” means a deviation of more than two percent from accurate registration. An adjustment may be made to your account reflecting a charge or a credit, depending on whether the meter is under or over-registered.
Service Termination
Customers have an obligation to pay for gas used. When payment becomes past due, a written disconnect notice will be mailed at least 10 days prior to the date of disconnection.
Serious illness/physical disabilities
If termination of gas service would cause someone at your home to become seriously ill or to become more seriously ill, the following steps must be taken to avoid termination of service:
- The licensed physician* must call us within 16 days of the bill’s issue date.
- The licensed physician* must send written documentation of the medical necessity to us within 26 days of the bill’s issue date.
- After the first two steps are fulfilled, the Customer must sign a deferred payment agreement.
*A new physician statement must be provided for each instance a delay is requested.
Service may be terminated after notice for the following reasons
- Failure to pay bill or to make payment arrangements prior to the date of disconnection.
- Failure to comply with the terms of a payment agreement.
- Failure to comply with the terms of an installment plan on a delinquent account.
- Violation of rules on using service in a manner that interferes with the service of others (if reasonable attempt has been made to notify the Customer and he/ she has reasonable opportunity to remedy the situation).
- Violation of the rules on using service by the operation of nonstandard equipment (if reasonable attempt has been made to notify the Customer and he/she has reasonable opportunity to remedy the situation).
- Failure to comply with deposit or guaranty requirements.
- Failure to make proper application for service in the true Customer name.
- Failure to comply with permit or restriction requirements set forth by the applicable governmental authority.
- Using gas in violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation.
- In the event our representatives are refused access to the premises to read meters or service or repair lines or other equipment.
- In the event you vacate the premises.
Service may be terminated without notice for the following reasons
- Tampering with, damaging or bypassing the company’s meter or equipment, or other instances of diversion or theft of service. This is both illegal and extremely dangerous. And you could face possible prosecution by the District Attorney’s Office.
- Existence of a known dangerous condition. Service will not be reconnected so long as the condition exists.
- Fraudulent misrepresentation in relation to consumption of gas or any other fraud practiced with regard to matters referenced in our service rules or in a contract with us.
Service may be refused for the following reasons
- Existence of facilities that are hazardous, interfere with the service of others, or are otherwise inadequate.
- Use of prohibited equipment or attachments.
- Change of Customer identity to avoid/evade payment of bill; intent to deceive.
- Existing indebtedness to CoServ Gas.
- Refusal to comply with deposit and guaranty requirements.
To reconnect gas service, the full balance, security deposit, and reconnect fee will be required. If payment confirmation is received before 11:30 a.m., an appointment can be scheduled for the morning of the next business day. If payment confirmation is received between 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., an appointment can be scheduled for the afternoon of the next business day. Payment confirmation received after 3 p.m. will result in an appointment being scheduled for the second business day.
Tampering, bypassing or connection of service by an unauthorized person will involve additional charges including, but not limited to, a deposit equal to one-sixth your annual bill.
Steps to prevent termination of service
In order to avoid termination of service, the Customer must pay all outstanding balances due, or if unable to pay the full amount of the bill, must sign a deferred payment agreement to pay the outstanding balance in installments. The Customer must continue to pay subsequent bills on time. If service is due to be terminated for any reason other than past due payment, the termination will be reversed when the reason for termination has been corrected. This does not apply in cases involving theft/fraud.
Service reconnection after termination
Service may be reconnected after termination if all outstanding balances due are paid. If service has been terminated for any reason other than past due payment, the termination will be reversed when the reason for termination has been corrected. (These terms do not apply in cases of theft/fraud.) Reconnection of service requires an appointment.
Billing Disputes
In the event of a billing dispute, please contact Customer Care at 940-321-7800 or e-mail contact@coserv.com. We will attempt to resolve the dispute, but if it cannot be resolved by telephone, you must provide CoServ Gas with written notice of your dispute prior to the date the bill becomes due/payable. Please include your reasons for dispute. CoServ Gas will investigate and report its findings to you. Gas service will not be disconnected while the bill is in dispute or for 60 days after the bill is issued, whichever period is shorter. However, until the dispute is resolved, you may be required to pay an average bill amount in lieu of the disputed portion and to pay all subsequent billings. If you are dissatisfied with the review, you may appeal to the municipality in which you live.
Registering a complaint with the proper regulatory authority
Should you register a complaint with CoServ Gas that is not handled to your satisfaction, you may request a review by your local city government. If you live outside the city limits, contact the Railroad Commission of Texas: Attention: Gas Services Division, PO Box 12967, Austin, TX 78711-2967; by phone, 512-463-7164; or by email, GasComplaints@rrc.texas.gov.