Board of Directors

They live in your neighborhoods, shop in your stores and—like you—receive monthly bills from CoServ. They are your CoServ Electric Board of Directors, democratically elected CoServ Members who oversee the operations of your cooperative and work collectively to represent the best interests of their fellow Members. Directors are not CoServ Electric Employees and are not part of the day-to-day business decisions. Each lives in one of the seven districts that make up CoServ's service territory, and each represents all CoServ Members.

If you have an issue with CoServ that you do not believe has been adequately resolved by CoServ Executives, you can email

Trisha Sheffield, District 5 Director
Trisha Sheffield, District 5 Director

Trisha Sheffield

District 5 Director
Current term 2021–2025

View Bio

Bill Ragsdale

District 6 Director
Vice Chairman
Current term 2023–2027

View Bio

Chance Adair

District 7 Director
Current term 2022–2026

View Bio

Richard Muir

District 1 Director
Current term 2021–2025

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Vacant Seat

District 2 Director
Current term 2023–2027

View Bio

Chris McCraw, District 3 Director
Chris McCraw, District 3 Director

Chris McCraw

District 3 Director
Current term 2023–2027

View Bio

Will Kollar

District 4 Director
Current term 2023–2028

View Bio

Board District Map and Elections

The CoServ Electric service area is divided into seven districts. Each of the seven districts will have one Director to ensure equal geographic representation. However, each Director represents all CoServ Members.

In 2021, the CoServ Board extended director terms from three years to four years to improve the benefit to CoServ from the extensive training and industry experience gained by directors during their service on the CoServ Board. To implement the transition to four-year terms, there will be no Director elections in 2024.

Beginning in 2025, CoServ will have two board seats up for election each year, except one board seat will be up for election every fourth year.

Every year, CoServ Electric conducts an Annual Meeting for Members. Before the meeting, the cooperative is required under its bylaws to notify each Member (as of the record date) residing in a district where a Director’s term is expiring that a Director for that district is to be elected at the Annual Meeting. Once a candidate is nominated, all Members, no matter which district they reside in, can (and should) cast votes in the election. Read Article IV of CoServ Electric's Bylaws for more details.

Upcoming Board Meetings

  • July 25, 2024
  • August 15, 2024
  • September 19, 2024
  • October 17, 2024
  • November 21, 2024
  • December 19, 2024
Board Director Elections

Board Candidate Process

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, but will not include a Board District election.

Per CoServ Electric's bylaws, all eligible CoServ Electric Members can submit a nomination petition to run for a Board Director seat, vote in the Board of Directors election, and attend or watch the Annual Meeting. Election results are announced during the Annual Meeting.

District Notices

During a Board Director election year, a District Notice will be mailed to all Members who reside within the districts whose director is up for election at the next Annual Meeting. The District Notice notifies Members that a director's term is expiring and specifies procedures on how to run for the open seat(s).

Upcoming Elections

2024: No Board Director Election
2025: Districts 1 and 5
2026: Districts 2 and 7
2027: Districts 3 and 6
2028: District 4

Board Term Lengths

Directors are elected by the Members for a term of 4 years except for a single 5-year term for the District 4 Director elected in 2023. Two Board seats will be up for election each year, except one board seat will be up for election every fourth year.

Board Director FAQ
CoServ Member Forum
Voting FAQ